Salwa Khan, PhD

Climate change is real, but each of us has the power to help make things better. If you want to learn about ways of living gently and sustainably on our sweet Earth, you’ve come to the right place! 

Mothering Earth is about finding interesting people who have expertise in a field related to sustainable living, and having them share their stories and knowledge with me and you.

The Mothering Earth podcast is always informative, interesting, fun and almost never preachy. You meet fascinating people and get practical information you can put to use, right away.


Mothering Earth is hosted by Dr. Salwa Khan, who has an everlasting love affair with our planet, and all the amazing plants and animals that inhabit it. Salwa is an educator and media professional.

Listen to Mothering Earth on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Tune-in and other podcast platforms.

Give us a listen! Be Inspired, and share the inspiration with your family and friends!

As the title, Mothering Earth, suggests, we all need to learn to “mother” our planet, by living gently and sustainably on her.

Read about “THE POWER OF ONE” at

Why we're committed to Mothering Earth

The Mothering Earth podcast is built on the belief that one person can have a powerful impact in confronting major important issues. Mothering Earth focuses on the issue of climate change, and what each one of us can do about it. In this video, a series on wisdom, produced by DuAnne Redus, Dr. Salwa Khan explains why we do the Mothering Earth podcast.