Taking Care of the Land

Land stewardship is about taking care of the soil, of native grasses, trees and shrubs, and of sources of water, such as rivers, lakes, creeks and streams. The aim is to preserve and maintain the biodiversity and health of natural ecosystems, which benefits humans, soil creatures, birds and other wildlife. The HELM program in central Texas works with landowners to educate and encourage them to become good stewards of their land. HELM stands for Habitat Enhancing Land Management.

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Richard McBride is a retired dentist who grew up in the Chicago area.As a master naturalist in central Texas, he is involved in numerous programs including HELM, the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, Austin Water Quality Lands, the Meadows Center, Friends of Trees, and the Wildflower Center. He also manages 32 acres of land on the San Marcos River for the San Marcos River Foundation. Richard produces the maps that owners are provided on site visits with HELM. He says, “Six months ago I knew nothing about map making but I had good teachers. It’s a work in progress.”



Christine Middleton became a Hays County Master Naturalist in 2010. She quickly developed a passion for helping both adults and children appreciate the wonders of nature and the fragility of Hill Country ecosystems. Two years ago she became the Outreach Chair for Community Education. The program, HELM, was developed to teach property owners about land stewardship. A second program for kids and their families called Wild About Nature is also under development.

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